Koi Club of San Diego

Volume 25 Issue 01



January 2025




We need help to make the San Diego Koi Show a success. Please let Matt know (ASAP) if you can help ANYWHERE/ ANYTIME before/during/after the show. Contact him at showchair.kcsd@gmail.com


by Matt Rhoades

Here We Go!!!!

The koi show is happening this month and I expect every club member to do their part to make this year's show a success. We are in a new venue (Bing Crosby Hall), new plumbing issues, but “The Buck” and I talked it through so it should be fine. Let me know (ASAP) if you are able to volunteer to help set-up/at/ tear-down the show. Contact me at showchair.kcsd@gmail.com if you can help ANYWHERE/ ANYTIME before/during/after the show

The biggest issue will be getting the show tanks from storage at San Diego Pond and Garden to the show site. I am asking for 4-5 people to meet Ben Adams at SDPG and assist in getting the first set of tanks on the truck and to Bing Crosby Hall. After the tanks are unloaded, it's back to storage to pick up a second set. Please step forward and help in this operation.

And this is only the tip of the iceberg, but many helping hands make the task light and more fun; so please sign up to volunteer for this big event ( help my peace of mind so I can sleep better at night). Again, my email is: showchair.kcsd@gmail.com

Thank you in advance for your help. All that you do is appreciated. Also remember, because of the show, there is no January general meeting.

For my personal pond situation, it got a little interesting at the start of December. So I went out to look at my fish and heard my RDF pump running long and the level of my pond had dropped 6 inches in depth. First thing I do is go over and shut off the RDF pump and look in to see if the problem is in the RDF. I noticed the draw-down was lower than the sensors that turn on/off the pump; so, I unplugged one of my main pumps to see the difference of draw-down. I did that and the water level was cut in half, and the sensor was covered halfway. That indicated to me that I had a possible blockage in my bottom drains. Now the pond has been up and running since June of 2017 and I have always had a phobia of midge fly larvae build up in my bottom drainpipes (think plaque in your veins makes for decreased blood flow). I said to myself “Well it has been over seven years and I do get swarms of midge flies at a certain time of year; so…”.  I called Mr. Sunshine (aka Buck) and asked him to bring down his bottom drain pipe scrubber (or his dryer exhaust sweep kit) when he could. He told me he would be down tomorrow.

The next day he showed up and put his equipment down in the backyard. As the minutes ticked off and we stood there talking. I started thinking why isn't he putting his equipment together for use? After a few minutes I asked that question and the response I got was:

“I’m not doing anything until you go down there (pointing at a bottom drain) and move the bottom drain covers off the bottom drains so that we can clean all the way through”.

He wants me to go in there? I went and checked my pool/pond thermometer floating in the pond; 59 degrees. I used to go swimming in my youth, in the ocean no problem. But I’m no longer a youth. One look at Buck, for a way out, told me there was no way out. His eyes said: ‘Suck it up, Buttercup’. I went in and got on my swimsuit and planned my evacuation route from the pond in my mind. After a minute or two, I took the plunge, jumping in and going straight for a drain. I lifted it to find the whole drain blocked by umbrella palm leaves ( I love my back side neighbors' umbrella palms). I grabbed a handful and headed for the surface. Throwing that handful over the pond wall, I headed back for more. Two or three more attempts and moved on to the other two (middle one not clogged - end ones were). I crawled out (more like a seal jumped/rolled) and dried off/ covered up. We notice a large difference in flow after that. Of course, Buck hit me with “Why don't you clean your drains more often?” But I mentioned I did in late October (water around comfortable 64 degrees) and there was a windstorm early in the month. Moving on, since the stuff was there, we did a pipe cleaning of the bottom drains and skimmers. That’s that.

One thing I’d like to leave you with is some information. One: midge flies are not mosquitoes. They look like them, but they don’t bite. Two: Microbe-Lift has a product that eliminates midge flies and their larvae. It is called Microbe-Lift Biological Mosquito Control (BMC). Apply when necessary and it will take care of the problem (until next time). And lastly remember to do that maintenance in late summer/fall to prepare for the spring warm-up the next year. I already have my plan in my head regarding this, so I don’t have to take an early polar plunge again.

Matt Rhoades

Go kichi for koi

Due to the Koi Show, there will be NO Koi Club of San Diego Meeting in January 2025


Wednesday, January 8th

at 7:00 pm (earlier if you are ordering food)



2691 Navajo Road

El Cajon, CA 92020 

View in Google Maps

December Meeting Photos by Bill Newell


Alan and Molly Hanna


Vincent and Miranda Uy

Frank and Nancy Cannizzaro


by "Koi Jack" Chapman

This month I want to talk about


35th Annual Koi Show

Del Mar Fairgrounds Crosby Hall

24th to 26th January 2025

(Open to the public the 25th & 26th)

The Koi Club of San Diego has delivered one of the top three koi shows in America each year for 34 years and the 35th show guarantees to continue this tradition with the individual support of its members, show vendors and sponsors.  As one of your Club KHA’s , and a former show chairman I want to add my two cents and NO our show chair did not ask me to do this LOL  -  I’ve developed a much better understanding/appreciation of all the hard work that is required to pull off this event.  This year’s planning and prep work is going well, by the usual small select group of dedicated club members most of whom you will see at the monthly steering committee meetings -- but we can’t complete the task at hand without the added support of individual club members during the set-up, show hours open to the public time period, and tear-down.  So, to the general membership, I ask that you come forward and volunteer to assist with the many tasks that need to be completed each day.  We have the usual signup sheet at the general club meetings or you can call Matt, our show chairman, to see what still needs to be done – we just cannot get it done without a lot of club support in the form of your volunteering.

While you are considering your volunteer time at the show --- go out and see which of your koi you would like to bring to the show.  OH my gosh – now he wants me to bring some koi and be a show participant.  It’s just a GREAT personal experience you will not forget and just another way to support your club and just maybe win one or more of over 60 trophies or a few of the possible 180  1std place awards. 

No – I’m not done with you yet.  So you have signed up to volunteer some of your time and completed your entry form and mailed it to me.  BUT – before you send me your entry form first make sure you included the BANQUET.  Who does not like Mexican food and an evening filled with friends and fellow koi hobbyist as we find out who won the trophies and we always have a large drawing at dinner with all kinds of koi stuff and of course have your picture taken with your koi trophy(ies) and maybe the trophy sponsor(s). 

Whatever you decide, please come spend some time SHOW TIME with the people that represent the heart and soul of the koi hobby and your fellow members of the Koi Club of San Diego.  

r/koi jack KCSD 



Koi Person of The Year 2024 Dean Strasser



President: Matt Rhoades   


First VP-Program: Cory Burke


Second VP-Venue: Ben Adams


Secretary: Open

Treasurer: Jill Rhoades





Newsletter editor/

Webmaster: Julia Schriber


Membership Chairman: Jill Leach


Koi Health Advisor/

Librarian: Jack Chapman


Club Historian: Dr. Galen Hansen


Property Manager: Al Pierce


Correspondence Secretary: Shirley Elswick


Japanese Friendship Garden Liaison: Linda Pluth



Koi Health Advisor/

Water Quality: Jack Chapman


To Host a Meeting: Ben Adams


To Submit an Article: Linda Pluth


Program/Activities Suggestions: Cory Burke


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