Koi Club of San Diego

Volume 23 Issue 7



July 2023


by Lenore Wade

The weather was not particularly kind to us at our last meeting, but you, the brave koi lovers made it a great day! A super “thank you” to Matt and Jill Rhoades for hosting a unique meeting. The new experiences for us ponders made for an educational afternoon.

Our next meeting will be a first time visit to the home of Julia Schriber, our Koi Person of the Year, Webmaster and Newsletter Editor. Julia will welcome all of us to her Sorrento Valley home on July 9th. Koi Jack will do another unusual procedure for us all to learn from.  Jack will be demonstrating a “Scrape and Scope” procedure that is commonly used to detect parasites on the fish. 

You will be pleasantly surprised if you check out our website.  Just click here:  www.koiclubofsandiego.org   There, you can renew your membership, order Koi name tags if you need a new one, find out when the next meeting is and check out lots of compiled resources. There is also a place to order different types of koi shirts. You may have seen some of them worn by our members. Of course, there is always lots of information about our koi.


Please be sure to vote for our new club officers. You should have received an on-line message which makes it very easy. If, by accident, you did not receive the message, please call me…Lenore Wade at 619-442-0202.


The Koi Club auction will be held at San Diego Pond and Garden on September 23rd. The more of you who participate will make it successful. We need people who want to change the look of their pond by auctioning off some fish that have gotten too big for their pond, as well as, those of us who want to buy a new variety, color, or size of fish. All of you are welcome to just come and help. That is always appreciated.  Make sure to bring your own chair to the auction. 

We all want to be able to have another Koi Show in the future. Your participation in raising funds can make that possible. 

Remember to check out the messages from Koi Jack, both in this issue and in past issues. Summertime can be difficult for the pond and the fish.  Monitor your water temperature and make sure your fish are not getting sunburned and have plenty of oxygen! 

Thanks for all the donations for the gift table…it is a simple way to support the club. Please keep up the good work!!!

Don't forget, the drawing for the "Attendance T-shirt quilt" will be done at the July meeting.

Each of you that signed up at the meetings has a chance to win!!!

Lenore Wade



Photos from June Club meeting by Bill Newell


July Koi Club of San Diego Meeting

July 9th, 2023

Social hour - 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm

Meeting begins at 1 pm

Potluck, bring your own chair


Julia Schriber

10696 Vista Del Agua Way

San Diego, CA 92121



by Lenore Wade, photography by Bill Newell

Julia Schriber

Amazing is an awesome word, it makes the mind think in so many different directions.  When you are at the home of our July hostess, Julia Schriber, you will understand the meaning of the word.

Last year, when I became president and realized that I was going to be able to select the Koi Person of the Year for the club, I had no doubts as to who it would be. Although Julia has only been a member for about 2 years, she jumped in with both feet to help in so many ways.  Because Julia has been a member of the Sorrento Valley Community Group and the town council, she had knowledge of how to do things that most of us do not have. She helped to rewrite the club by-laws and has been cleaning up our non-profit status problem. Julia encouraged us to move out of the storage unit that cost so much money each month and volunteered her husband’s work truck to help with the move. We were all a little amazed when Julia showed up driving the huge truck and operated all of its gadgets to help with the move,

On top of this, she is a wife and mother, works part time as a Cardiac Sonographer, and single-handedly built her 3300-gallon pond!

In 1996 when they bought their newly built home in Sorrento Valley, she didn’t want a yard. So, her back yard was done all in purple cement, Then, as Nicole, her 21-year-old daughter was small, she created a kid’s area with some plants.

Julia has always loved ponds…not koi ponds, but just ponds. As a child in her native Belarus, she buried a pot and filled it with water for a tadpole. As years went on, Julia started working to find plants that would work in her yard.

About 5 years ago, during a trip to Underwater Environments to look at nursery plants, she was introduced to Koi while walking around. This single visit and two years of research, and a lot of You-Tube watching has transformed her yard into a colorful welcoming area with a beautiful pond with waterfall built into the slope of the yard. The ocean breeze makes it a comfortable place to be.

Julia, herself, jack-hammered all that purple cement and with a small back-hoe dug out her pond. (She admits that Rosie the dog helped drive the machine with her.) Her husband Mike, busy with his computer business, encouraged her and, as she says, bank-rolled her endeavor. Julia created her beautiful peaceful pond and surroundings with back-breaking hard work.  Her 10 fish are very happy with the 

floating islands that

they use for shade and the two aerated bottom drains that bubble up and keep the water moving. Just like the 

Japanese Friendship Garden, all of the filters and pump are under covered planks which are part of the walk-way.

Julia, along with her parents and brother emigrated to San Diego in 1991. They were welcomed by her aunt who already lived here. Her husband-to-be, and his family were part of the

welcoming group so many years ago.

Nicole is now in Alaska working for the summer and upon her return will be at UCSD in the Fall.  Rosie, the 4-year-old dog will anxiously welcome you, while Raisin, the aging 9-year-old will just check you from afar.  The cats Acorn and Wobbles will probably totally ignore you.

Julia’s home is at the end of an empty cul-de-sac. So, please plan to park heading into the curb and not parallel. That way, there is room for everyone.

The address is 10696 Vista del Aqua Way in Sorrento Valley. If you drive up Sorrento Valley Boulevard from the 5, you will have to make a U-turn to get back to their street.    Thank you, Julia, for sharing your Ponder Profile!


Four koi are looking for new homes. 18"-26" fish with good girth. Owner has to move and is looking for funds to start a new pond in a new location. $200 each or best offer. Please contact Hal at halgroen@cox.net.

Top left image: Sanke about 22-24 . No gin rin. More black is coming up.

Top right image: Kohaku has some gin rin and about 18 inches.

Top right image: Kigoi (?yellow and white) is mostly scaleless and has a little gin run.

Bottom image: Black and white (Kin Matsuba ?) is the largest at 25-26 inches.  





We would appreciate any help even if you can’t commit to every Monday. Being able to lift 35-40 pounds is necessary to open each section of the deck where the filter is located. AND you get to pick the brain of our KHA/Show Entrant Chairman, Koi Jack, who has been overseeing the fishes health since 2005. 
If interested, call me and leave a message at 619-200-4146 and/or email me at lpluth@cox.net.

Linda Pluth
Japanese Friendship Garden Liaison





Wednesday, July 12th

at 7:00 pm

(earlier if you are ordering food)


2691 Navajo Road

El Cajon, CA 92020 

View in Google Maps


Loni Vogler
Lorie Mariano


Jain Malkin
Deborah Szekely
Bruce Miller
Bill Newell
Vince Hernandez
Paul Weiss


by "Koi Jack" Chapman


I’m nuts about the importance of this subject and have written about it with updates in 2010/13/15/18 and now again for 2023.

So what’s the big deal about oxygen???  You have all seen many ponds and just about nobody ever says anything about oxygen or having oxygen problems – just that you need to have a waterfall or fountain or tower filter or air pump and run it 24/7.  So get over it Koi Jack and move on – Well no, I just can’t and it is a significant issue in regards to your koi’s general health and development – BIG TIME.  Yes, almost all ponds out there have sufficient oxygen levels to support koi survivability!!!  They can live a few days in the 5ppm range and require at least 6ppm to maintain life sustaining functions.  So you need to be at 6ppm or above or your koi would be dying.  Again, what’s the big deal?  Well to quote Recirculating Aquaculture Systems, “Of all the water quality parameters, dissolved oxygen is the most important and most critical parameter…”  Now before you jump all over me for quoting the bible for raising fish for food and/or sale – their goal is to get the most growth and have the healthiest fish with the highest possible metabolism of food.  If you want to achieve the best your koi have to offer – then I say the above quote is very relevant.  To quote Christopher Neaves, L.R.S.M., “It is an undisputed fact that koi have better growth and better color in oxygen-rich environments.”  I know I’m just a name dropper LOL. 

SO what’s your pond temp??   We will soon have warmer weather and some hot weather later in the summer with some ponds if not all exceeding 77F and the oxygen carrying capacity of the water will be below 8mg/L (optimum level for koi) and could become an issue for your koi and your pond system.   Understanding koi pond dynamics can be a bit complex with multiple variables that are both interwoven and interrelated.   This subject would normally require several pages of text, but in an attempt to keep you reading and maybe to do some further research on your own I offer the following short story.

Your whole pond system is dependent on dissolved oxygen for survival!  As noted earlier, koi need a minimum of 6ppm for low level expectations for growth and viability.  However they can and will survive at lower levels reported at 5 and 4 ppm.  (Note: 1ppm = 1mg/L)  As pond water temp goes up its capacity to hold dissolved oxygen goes down:  at 50F O2 saturation is about 11mg/L; at 68F O2 saturation is down to 8.6 mg/L; at 77F O2 saturation is down to 8mg/L; and at 86F O2 saturation is becoming seriously low at 7.4mg/L.  These data are at sea level and are even lower as you rise in elevation.  Each 1mg/L drop in oxygen is in fact a 12% reduction in available oxygen.  Also, if you have salt in your pond then the capacity of the water to hold dissolved oxygen is further reduced.  Now we need not forget that other parts of the pond system are also dependent on oxygen.  “Biological filtration consumes about 5 milligrams of oxygen for every milligram of ammonia converted to nitrate” (Christopher Neaves, L.R.S.M.).   Another 3 to 5 milligrams are estimated values towards oxygen used by other pond bacteria and microbes per milligram of converted ammonia.  Simply put – over feeding overstocked ponds will produce increased levels of ammonia further reducing available pond levels of oxygen which is only exacerbated at higher water temps with less available dissolved oxygen to begin with.  Did you know ammonia is more toxic at lower oxygen levels especially at the microenvironment of the gills (serious subject for another article)?   Oh, and any organic waste (DOC) decomposing in the water column and on the bottom of the pond and filters requires oxygen to do so.  And, let’s not forget that any plants and algae consume oxygen during dark hours.  Algae blooms have been credited with using more oxygen at night than the koi in a well-stocked pond!!!  Lower levels of oxygen will lead to higher levels of carbon dioxide levels which will drop the pond pH and you have the daily results of the lowest levels of oxygen being at day break.   At 77F you can anticipate an hourly O2 requirement of around 250 mg for each kilogram of koi body weight (Advanced Koi Care – Saint-Erne, DMV).  Yes, at the time when the biological oxygen demand of the system and our koi is at its highest requirement the water’s available dissolved oxygen levels are reduced.  When O2 levels get low enough to have fish loss due to hypoxia, the BIG koi die first. 

What to look for:  koi become lethargic, reduced appetite, collect at the surface and at the waterfalls, dull or fading colors, gill damage (hyperplasia) which can lead to bacteria gill disease.

What to do:  This is a looooong list but not limited to and not in any order of precedents:

Observe your koi’s behavior and are you happy with growth and color? (Both are said to be unquestionably improved in an environment rich in oxygen).

Test the water for O2 levels early AM and later evening.  Meter or Box test kit.

Add air blower with stones or other available units.

I usually turned on my 40L air pump when the temp hit 74F with O2 at 7.6mg/L (early AM) and the air goes to the front end of my bio-chamber so it does not disturb my viewing of my koi in the pond.  Don’t forget the difference between 7% oxygen and 8% oxygen is a whopping 12% more oxygen. (Chris Neaves)

Shade (big time)

Decrease pond turn- over time

Reduce fish load

Reduce feeding

Keep up with your regular pond maintenance and water changes (well water low on O2 usually)

Add a venturi (not below 20 inches)

Add a fountain

Reduce any existing salt level

Eliminate any algae bloom (UV)

Enlarge waterfall spillways making water column thinner when it goes over the edge

Anything to agitate the water at the surface

Look at tower filtration

Start planning your next koi pond

Now I got only two more things.

First:  Why do any of the above? – I truly believe the less energy my koi expend meeting their daily oxygen demand the more energy they will have available to grow (length, girth and repair of body tissue), improve color and have a decreased incidence of illness and disease (healthier with less stress). 

Last is sort of a disclaimer to keep in mind.  As in most cases you can overdo it and be paying money for increased dissolved oxygen that is of NO consequence to the koi and at worst leads to gas bubbles.  Other environmental conditions aside, oxygen levels above saturation in fresh water fish do not result in any additional oxygen carried by the blood.  The gills can only transfer so much oxygen to the blood and each red blood cell can carry only so much oxygen.

My hypothesis is if they use less energy to get that max oxygen they are capable of carrying in their blood system then there is more energy available to fulfill to the maximum of what’s in their gene pool in association with the environment you provide for them to achieve that big smile on your face and pride in your heart when you look at or show your koi to friends or other koi hobbyists or, better yet, bring them to the next koi show.  

Well, I just got started on this subject and did not do it justice.  As always its content is from limited experience and lots of reading with most of the credit (this time) going to C. Neaves articles in Koi Ponds, Filters and Water and Advanced Koi Care by N. Saint-Erne.  

Not sure why it’s just so easy to not be concerned about oxygen levels, when it is so important to the health and environment of our koi and our ponds???  I consider it important enough that my current oxygen meter is a Hanna H198198 Optical dissolved oxygen meter that runs about $1,500 but we all know how anal I can be about certain koi things LOL   Be safe and healthy both you and your koi.

r/koi jack

Notes from Koi Club of San Diego Steering Committee Meeting

Wednesday, June 14th, 2023 by Tamsie Pierce

Members Present in person:

Matt Rhoades

Jill Leach

Jill Rhoades

Lenore Wade

Julia Schriber

Linda Pluth

Al Pierce

Tamsie Pierce

Rick Leach

Called to Order at 7:04 PM

The June 11 meeting was a demonstration of Koi activities at the home of Matt and Jill Rhoades — netting and tubbing fish, diagnosing some health concerns on koi, demonstration of giving a shot to an ill koi.  

We have contacted San Diego Pond and Garden about the possibility of holding a fall Koi auction at their store. Bryan Shook, owner, has set Saturday, September 23 as a date that would work at the store. Same set up as the auction had in 2022. Start at 10 AM, receive fish from 7:30 AM on.  There was some discussion on prices for those attending . It was agreed to raise some prices to meet costs: Bid Paddle $10.00, additional lunch purchase $8.00. Fliers were requested by SD Pond and Garden to advertise the event and should list date, time and location. Bryan also requested a membership list to give a discount to the KCSD members.

Jack held bidding for two books donated by AKCA when the organization ceased to function.  Funds will go to help the club financial balance.

Elections will be held on line. Dorene Diaz has volunteered to be Vice President of Venue, VP of Program is vacant.

July KCSD meeting will be at the home of Julia Schriber. August will be at the home of Augusto Angelucci.

Treasurer reported that the Federal taxes have been filed as well as the Non Profit paperwork.

Japanese Friendship Garden is rebuilding the pond viewing deck. The deck is now partially finished, and the KCSD seining of the koi pond will be delayed until the deck construction is complete.  There is the possibility that the seining will be the first weekend in August.  We will be seining for the last of the spawning from the spring.

Membership reported 80 paid members, 9 vendors and 9 renewals. There was a brief discussion about source of name badges for those who have requested them. Name badges are usually ordered with membership payment.

There was then a discussion of the proposed auction. San Diego Pond and garden has requested we rent a porta-potty for the day of the event,  and that we pay for the water used. There is the possibility of a vendor advertising on the back of the bid paddle or perhaps on a banner.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:59.

Koi Person of The Year 2023 Julia Schriber



President: Lenore Wade   


First VP-Program: Dorene Dias


Second VP-Venue: Matt Rhoades


Secretary: Tamsie Pierce


Treasurer: Jill Rhoades





Newsletter editor/

Webmaster: Julia Schriber


Membership Chairman: Jill Leach


Koi Health Advisor/

Librarian: Jack Chapman


Club Historian: Dr. Galen Hansen


Property Manager: Al Pierce


Correspondence Secretary: Shirley Elswick


Japanese Friendship Garden Liaison: Linda Pluth



Koi Health Advisor/

Water Quality: Jack Chapman


To Host a Meeting: Dorene Dias


To Submit an Article: Linda Pluth


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